Monday, January 28, 2008

anugerah juara lagu ke 22..

ahad lepas,juara lagu ambil tempat..the result really surprised me and many malaysian yg tgk..underground band bole menang JUARA LAGU..yg byk org ramal dato' siti or aishah akan menang..aku mmg ramal diorg nie akan menang..and the result aku betul..seb bek lar masa performance estranged nie aku sempat tgk coz kt umah nie ujan lebat..astro xdpt..terlepas gak lar nk tgk jac n lah ahmad yg menang vocal terbaik..mawi with his magic performance even xbape minat mawi..and sahri yg bawak lagu kaer..

estranged pada aku mlm tue bole buat yg lebey baik dr itu..but they still the best lar..they really rock the stage..their music arrangement sounds really good and they perform really well in suits from topman..huhuhu..

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